
I’ve always been driven to ask ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ ever since childhood. Drove my Mum crazy at times.  So it was entirely consistent that I studied Physics at degree and Masters level, and that my first job was exploring the ground beneath our feet in oil and coal exploration.  Next I studied the space above our heads with atmospheric physics; and then the spaces we inhabit (in buildings).  For the last 20 years I have specialised in exploring the space inside our heads, studying Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). and seeing therapy clients.

The Physics of Happiness evolved from working with clients and noticing how there was always a back story to their current problems, and a future too. The background kind of explains the ‘why me?’ and ‘how did this happen?’, and the future part provides the ‘pull’ to sustain the result of the work with them.

I decided to put my ideas to the test, and to develop and research them more fully as a PhD dissertation. The topics I researched included philosophy, spirituality, religion, psychology, neurobiology, and even cosmology and the emerging new physics.

The Physics of Happiness does more than deal with the emotion of happiness. In addition to helping understand our personal problems, it also provides a framework for understanding the things that are happening to us and around us.  Because we are prone to view the world through he rearview mirror, and cannot grasp  what we have never before known, it is almost impossible for us to detect evolution in action.  The Physics of Happiness helps us to see the evolutionary process at work on the many different scales – individual, society, culture, and humanity itself.